
St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Christian Church is a parish of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese under the authority of Metropolitan SABA and His grace Bishop ANTHONY in the Diocese of Toledo and the Midwest.

Antiochian means the city in the Book of Acts where it is recorded “they were first called Christians.” It is the historic residence of our chief shepherd under Christ. Currently Patriarch John has a home in Damascus, Syria and Balamand, Lebanon.

Orthodox means at once both “right teaching” and/or “right glory”. Despite our human weakness we believe the Orthodox Church is the true successor of the fullness of the faith of Jesus Christ first delivered to the apostles and their successors. By the grace of the Holy Spirit the same faith is taught, the same worship is offered, and the same medicine of immortality is dispensed that was first established by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the first Christian Pentecost about 33AD. This living witness and continuity of life and practice witnessed to by the various writings of the Apostles and their immediate disciples is still vibrant and efficacious in our midst.

As a community of both lifelong and newly converted Orthodox Christians we have members from a wide variety of backgrounds and ethnic groups. All services are in English.

If you are looking for an Orthodox Church to visit or attend regularly or are just investigating the historic Orthodox Christian faith we invite you to visit or contact us.

Be sure to check out our News page (and Google Calendar) for up-to-date service information.

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